Teachers Learn new skills online

Teachers Learn new skills online
In this crucial period when academic activities are closed, to upgrade the knowledge of our special educators the institution motivated and guided them to participate in various online webinars and courses. These webinars and seminars were organised by WHO, NIEPMD, Special Olympics Bharat, AYJNIHH, Commissioner of Disabilities, DSE SNDT WU & on various topics.
These webinars benefited the teachers to get more acquainted to the various online technology and learning. They also gained the necessary information regarding the health and safety protocols for special education in the times ahead.
It is a huge achievement for the institution that we introduced the parents and teachers of special kids staying in rural areas, who did not have the necessary resources, knowledge, and skills to participate in this E-learning platform. Despite facing various challenges, the parents, siblings and teachers welcomed the change with great positivity and overcame all those challenges. We organised online staff and parents meetings.
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