Suhit Jeevan Trust

Suhit Jeevan Trust is a Public Charitable Trust registered under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950. The trust was incorporated in the year 2004 with Registration No. E-428 (Raigad) in Pen Taluka, District Raigad. The trust runs the various projects under one umbrella for the holistic learning, growth and development of special kids.
The main aim of the trust is to “educate, train and rehabilitate Mentally Challenged children of rural areas”. The trust is running various units which includes a special school in Pen Taluka under the name Sumangal School for Intellectually Disabled children which is recognized by the Government of Maharashtra. The trust began its journey in the year 2004 starting with just 10 students, and over a period of 15 years, the strength of the students has increased to more than 120. The trust eventually began three other much-required units namely the “Eklavya Vocational Training Centre”, “Light House Special Teacher Training Center” and the latest “Palavi Early Intervention Centre”.
The trust has students coming from the rural areas of 44 nearby villages of Pen and Alibaug Talukas. The school bus picks these students from the designated stops near their residence and drops them back every day. The majority of the students are from Below poverty line families and they are provided education and training free of cost.
The Main Focus areas of the Institution:
The all-round development of intellectually disabled children and individuals with the help of specialized education, skill-based vocational training, medical support, parental guidance, and counselling.
- To prevent the cases of intellectually disabled individuals and multiple handicaps by increasing the awareness in the society in rural areas.
- To carry out various action researches for the eradication of mental retardation.
- To empower the students who have been deprived of their rights because of inequality and negligence by society by providing them proper education and training.
- To make the special kids economically independent and bring them in the mainstream of society by providing them proper skill-based vocational rehabilitation.
- To provide them equal opportunities, rights, and participation in their families and society.
- To create awareness for the dignity and respect of the disabled in the society.
- Individual Care of each student.
- Psycho-Educational assessment.
- Need-based and Child-centred curriculum.
- Innovation and creativity in teaching techniques.
- Therapeutic and Medical assistance
- Healthy and Barrier-free environment
- Trained, Professional and dedicated staff.
- Regular training and motivation to all students, staff and parents.
- Parent participation and involvement in various activities.
- Home-bound programs.
- To create awareness in rural & tribal areas for prevention of ID.
- To empower each ID child as per his/her special needs and abilities.
- To aware families and society about various special services, facilities andschemes available for these ID children and adults.
- To aware families and communities about the dignity and respect of thesechildren.
- To provide them equal education and employment opportunities, rights andparticipation in their families and society.
- To make these students economically independent by special educationand vocational training.
- To bring them in the mainstream of the society.
- Healthy Family and Healthy Society.
- Uproot Intellectual Disability from the Society.
- Ideas to fulfil real need of the Society.
- Setting of achievable and measurable goals.
- Appropriate co-ordination between needs and available resources.
- Strong commitment and involvement in various projects for the benefit ofthe Society.
- We do in-depth assessment of the areas to include numbers and needs of children with disabilities and the provision available for them (with knowledgeof other NGOs) in affiliation with the rehabilitation center of Raigad district
- We make contact and links with other providers in the area, such as schools,clinics and homes (government and private).
- We train our staff and parents to equip the families of CWDs with knowledge and skills to provide targeted care for children and provide means by whichthe children can develop a level of independence relevant to their needs.
- We also train staff in order to help them understand how they can take careof these children and challenged them to develop.
- We provide capacity building workshops for CWDs, their parents and staff.
- We conduct awareness camps in the villages through outreach sources.
- We also conduct health check-up and medical camps for prevention ofdisabilities.
- Providing knowledge and educating families about specific disabilities andhow to deal with CWDs.
- Educating parents and staff about various schemes and facilities provided toCWDs by State Government and how to get them.
- Regular evaluation and monitoring of various activities, process monitoring (efficiency of time and resources), context monitoring (educational programmes and syllabus), beneficiary monitoring (growth and developmentof each child), financial monitoring.
- Providing counseling and personalized support for the families of CWDs.
- Families are mentally supported to take care of these special children athome.
Our Statistics

Years of Experience

Village Covered

Beneficiaries in 16 yrs

No. of Awards