Teacher's Training

Light House Special TeacherTraining Center (LHSTTC)
Registration No. 7339
In Raigad district, there were not even a single Special Teacher Training Centre. Being a rural & tribal area, there was no awareness regarding mental retardation.
Tomake people aware, to provide special services to these special children as pertheir special needs, to rehabilitate & to bring them in the mainstream of thesociety, the special training center was an important need of the hour & a serious requirementin these Rural & Tribal areas of Raigad. After passing the 12th grade if anyone wants to pursuespecial education, they had to goall the way to Mumbai for the same which was verycostly & hectic, so people instead avoided to do such courses as it was not feasible for them. This cause them to ignore the field of special education,which was worrisome. After knowing and studying all these difficulties the institution started aSpecial teacher’s training center for D.Ed Special Education (MentalRetardation), which is recognized by the Rehabilitation Council of India, New Delhiaffiliated to ‘Indira Gandhi National Open University’. It is the “First” specialteacher’s training center in the entire Raigad district, named as ‘Light House’Special Teacher’s Training Centre, where students from all over India can takeadmission.Since the last three years RCI in collaboration with Yashwantrao ChavanMaharashtra Open University (YCMOU), Nasik started a Distance B.Ed inSpecial Education (MR) & out of 5 centers in Maharashtra they selected ourcenter. Students from allover Maharashtra & other states have connected due to this course. 3291A is acenter code of our institution for distance B.Ed. Special (MR) course.
Various activities of LHSTTC:
1) To plan and implement public awareness projects
2) To prepare lesson plans
3) To perform demonstrations
4) To prepare an Individual Education Program (IEP)
5) To organize various workshops and conferences.