Palavi Early Intervention Centre (PEIC)
Reg. No. B 0063
The trust set up the Early Childhood Intervention Center (EIC) in 2018 on realising that many children were unable to gain entry into regular play schools and were therefore missing out on the ‘early intervention’ that is so crucial for all children but especially for at-risk children.
In the entire Raigad district, there was only one Early Intervention Centre (EIC) atPanvel. The need for EIC is very high in these rural & tribal areas of Raigad & therefore the onlyCentre of Panvel cannot fulfil feeds of 0 to 6 years of babies & children who are at-risk to disabilities.
Early intervention Centre is special services for infants and toddlers at risk ofdevelopmental delays. These services are designed to identify and meet children’s needs in five developmental areas. These are physical, cognitive, communication,social or emotional development, sensory and adaptive development. Earlyintervention includes the provision of services to such children and their families for thepurpose of lessening the effects of the condition. Early intervention can be remedialor preventive remediating the existing developmental problems orpreventing their occurrence.If provided with early intervention care in the pre-schooling stage many of thesechildren can be integrated in an inclusive education environment and remaining inspecial schools. Besides, it enables the children with developmental delays and severedisability to become independent in their activities of daily living by maintainingcommunication with their caregivers. Therefore Early Intervention & Care is a criticalrequirement for every developmentally delayed child.
Beneficiaries:All the at-risk babies between the age ranges of 0 to 6 years in need of special services staying in the rural & tribal areas of Raigad district.
The PalaviEarly Intervention Centre ofSuhit JeevanTrust was inaugurated in August 2018, by the hands of Hon'ble Shree Nitin GadkariSir (Central Minister of Road Transport and Highways, Govt. of India)