Annual Day

In our organization. The annual day celebration of the institution is held every year. Different dignitaries are invited to this event as the guest of honor. The event was held at the various community halls in Pen before the construction of the school building. But from the year 2018, it is held on the school premises. The event is attended by parents, teachers, and staff of the children of the organization. They are also joined by the various well-wishers who come from various places like Mumbai and Pune to see the special kids of Suhit Jeevan Trust perform and spend quality time with them.
The program begins with the lighting of lamps by the dignitaries, after that, the guests are felicitated. (Shrifhal). The students begin the Annual ceremony by paying homage to Ganesha in which the students perform a variety of dances. The Morya dance is always appreciated by all.
Also, the girls have always won the hearts of the audience by presenting Mangala Gaur, Fugadi, Lavani, etc.
The students of the institute also overwhelm everyone by their performances. One of the most loved being the bodybuilding performance by the special kids.
Students who have excelled in the field of sports is honored with prizes by the hands of dignitaries. And the program concludes with the vote of thanks and a short speech by the dignitaries to hear their thoughts on the entire event