VTC group A

Skill Training in Eklavya Vocational Training Center – Group A
1. Attractive decoration of Diwali Diyas:
The students paint various diyas beautifully and also decorate it with the help of jewels and other attractive materials. These diyas are some of the most in demand and popular products made by our special children.
These students are grouped to paint Diwali lights. First, they have to explain to the children that their clothes will not be dyed and they are given the knowledge not to touch the dyed hands elsewhere. Knowledge is given on how to hold the brush in hand or how to take it while colouring the diyas. If the causal skills are good, some students will have less problems. So, we take the activity as a group.
- The first group:-
Children who do not know how to hold a brush are taught the skills of soaking and drying the leaves.
- The second group:-
Differentiation of the same design.
- The third group:-
With the help of teachers, set up 1 dozen pots for each and apply two types of colours or single colour accordingly.
- Fourth group:-
Put the coloured diyas in the right place.
- Fifth group:-
Designing and decorating coloured Diyas.
- Sixth group:-
Cutting the cardboard required for the placing the diyas. And sticking diyas on it.
- Seventh group:-
Sealing and packing of Diyas.
- Eighth group:-
Labeling and packing of prepared Diya packets.
2. Preparing Ganesha idols from clay:
Students make Ganesha idols with the help of natural eco-friendly materials like red soil and clay under the guidance of their teacher. They use moulds for making the idol and then carefully extract the idol from the mould to prepare it for drying. At the finishing stage after the idols are dried, they paint it using non toxic paint and decorate it using various jewels for an appealing look.
3. Preparing Mooshkas:
In this skill the students prepare Mooshak (Ganesha’s ride). They use eco-friendly materials to make small Mooshaks and the paint it carefully. The final product is a cute and beautiful idol which goes perfectly next to the Ganesh idols. It is one of our best-selling items during the season of Ganesh Chaturthi.
4. Beautiful & Attractive Rakhi :
The students make attractive rakhis using various jewellery and beads which are in high demand during the festival of Rakhshabandhan. It is a seasonal product but can be made to order.
Activity is given by looking at the level of each student. E.g.
- The first group:-
Cut the rope and glue the rope.
- The second group:-
Beading rakhi in order of the beads by looking at the rakhi given in front as a reference.
- The third group:-
Making rakhi by tying the pendant with rope on both sides
- Fourth group:-
Packing of ready rakhis and affixing price stickers
- Action:-
They have to measure the ropes while teaching these skills. After that a rakhi has to be made (demonstration) and shown and then the students make the rakhi accurately by placing the material in front of them in the order according to the rakhi.
5. Preparing seasonal greeting cards:
The students also make beautiful greeting cards made by handmade paper and decorated using various techniques likes warli painting, paper quilling etc. These cards are multipurpose.
6. Making attractive flowers of duplex paper:
Crafting artificial flowers is another skill taught to our special kids. Such is the skill of the children that these flowers are almost replica of real-life flowers.
7. Making bouquets:
While teaching this activity, the activity is given to each group according to the level of each student. And if there are any problems, the teachers explain them in detail. While they do activities, they also have a lot of fun and a change of pace correcting their mood through various fun activities.
- The first group:-
Coloring the Bisleri bottles after cutting them for reuse, coloring the grass and drying
- The second group:-
Cutting the leaves. Cutting to a given size. Placing them into chopped foam pot or Bisleri bottle.
- The third group:-
Preparing bouquets of flowers, grass, leaves, placing them in the foam in the pot, making a bouquet with a satin strip.
After that, all the students do this activity together and keep the materials in the right place.
8. Making duplex flowers:
For the first time in this activity, the level of the children in the class is first. It also monitors the grip of the child's hand.
This activity runs throughout the year.
The children are first introduced to the materials.
After this the children are grouped.
- The first group:-
First the girls in this group are trained to cut simple paper petals. This skill involves cutting two types of petals. Many children in this training do not cut the petals properly. After learning to cut the petals with practice, it is very important to put the petals on duplex paper and cut them. There are many difficulties in this training. This means that children cannot do paper cutting as they do not have grip on their hands. This training is often given to them to make them aware of this skill.
- The second group:-
The boys and girls in this group often learn to shape the cut petals while the petals are torn. Because it takes a lot of practice from children to become aware of this skill. All this is done under the guidance of a teacher. Children need to be assisted verbally and physically while teaching.
- The third group:-
The girls in this group have strings for duplex flowers. When she is given a piece of a star, she learns the skill of cutting pieces of the same size under the guidance of a teacher and with physical help.
- Fourth group:-
The children in this group are trained to make roses by taking cut and shaped petals and using a piece of string and thread. Flowers for arranging flower petals many times while training to make flowers in this...
- Fifth group:-
The boys and girls in this group are taught the skill of wrapping green tape on these flowers. The hand gets sticky while learning this skill. So, kids don’t like it. This skill is taught by instilling love in kids for this activity despite this.
9. Making Attractive & Colorful candles:
The students also make beautiful candles in a lot of variety from Jelly wax candles to floating candles to decorative ones. All of which are carefully crafted using moulds by our special kids under careful guidance of our teachers.
Before teaching this activity, students are given the knowledge of how to handle the gas by turning it on and off by introducing the regulator. Also, if the wax pads are large, the knowledge of how to break them with the help of a hammer is given. For this, these groups are made. And according to the level, each student is given an activity.
- The first group:-
Breaking the raw wax with a hammer
- The second group:-
Cutting the string and inserting it into the molds with the help of a needle
- The third group:-
Waxing is the process of melting and dyeing both soft and hard wax. You have to be very careful while pouring it into the mold after a while. This activity is done under the guidance of the teacher as the wax is hot.
- Fourth group:-
Remove the molded candles after cooling and finish packing. And affix the school price stickers.
10. Soap making:
Keeping in mind the chemical filled soaps that are available in the market. We decided to teach our special children soap making using traditional materials. The students now make Khadi soaps and a variety of them like aromatic, scrub soaps etc which are slowly gaining popularity as people find them to be very much safer and healthier than the regular soaps.
Flavors - Neem, Tulasi, ubtan, lemon, Orange, Kesar, Apple Green, Cinemon, Strawberry
The hand grip needs to be in order to make the soap. E.g. Motor Skills Proper movement of the body is a skill that requires hand use and focus.
If ovens are to be used for this activity, then we introduce them to the electric board. How to Attach the oven pin to the board. And to understand that getting the light on in the oven means that you need to know how to turn it on and keep it at a certain temperature. All this they have to be instructed carefully.
- The first group:-
Remove all the material from the cupboard and arrange the material. And clean the mold.
- The second group:-
Grind different bases of soap into different pots
- The third group:-
Turn on the oven using an electric board. Melt the grated soap base in the oven under the guidance of a teacher, then take a cloth in hand and add color and mix the molten liquid in it. Then pour the melted liquid into the mold and let it cool.
- Fourth group:-
Remove and pack the cooled soap from the mold. Pack the soaps and then label the finished soap as per the school price.
11. Making Gudi:
- The first group:-
Painting of Gudi wooden pots and poles and lacing of pots with the help of Fevibond.
- The second group:-
Cutting small strips of duplex paper to make a flower garland with the help of needle-rope as well as cutting the shape of the leaf.
- The third group:-
Sticking the prepared pot. Gudi is made by covering the pole with cloth and a garland of prepared leaves and flowers. Then pack the Gudi in a plastic bag and label it.
During each activity, the teacher has to find the skills in the students and prepare them accordingly. They have to be taught as per their skill.
12. Chocolate making:
The students also make a variety of delicious chocolates which come in a beautiful package perfect for gifting. All the safety and health precautions are taken as these chocolates are made in a clean workshop.
13. Kandil:
Our students create different types of sky lanterns using card paper and ice cream sticks. They have created such beautiful and varied sky lanterns.