Primary class I and II

Intellectual skills
1. Writing skills:
- Writing the alphabet:-
Materials like flashcards, notebooks, pencils are included to teach these skills. Initially, students have to be trained by hand. Education is imparted to students through action. Students are motivated to teach.
- Shape drawing:-
Flashcards, notebooks, pencils are used to teach this skill. First the teacher shows the shape. Children are taught to hold hands. They then take action from the children.
2. Reading skills:
- Reading one's own name:-
To teach this skill to the student who wants to teach the name. Must have a flashcard in his name. Telling the student that he has a flashcard in his name. The teacher will pronounce the name himself and then get his name pronounced by the students.
- Reading numbers and Teaching Functional Math ‘Addition’ :-
The numbers you want to teach the student to teach these skills That number must have a flash card. Students are taught through action. The basic math is taught to help the children be able to use them in daily life outside. Reading skills are also taught through e-learning.
Motor skills
1.Gross motor skills:
- Jumping:-
The children are taught jumping in this activity. For this activity the children are first shown the action by the teacher then done by the students. Students are also given verbal, physical help if needed.
- To do yoga:-
Even while doing yoga activities, first the teacher does the action and then the students do it. Verbal and physical help is provided if needed. The importance of yoga is also explained to the children.
2. Fine motor skills:
- To make different shapes from clay:-
This activity is very beneficial for children who have hand problems. This activity is also very useful for children with sensory problems.
- Folding the handkerchief:-
Students are taught through action while teaching these activities. Students will also be able to fold clothes while learning to fold handkerchiefs.
- Development of fine motor skills through paper cutting:-
This activity is very beneficial for children who have hand movement problems. Students are given pieces of paper (waste which is later reused) and under strict guidance are told to cut the paper in smaller pieces for development of their motor skills.
3. Recreational Skills:
- Thumb Painting:-
The students also learn various art and craft skills like the thumb painting in which students use their thumbs for creating various patterns and paintings on paper.
Communication skills:
- Using the words thank you and sorry:-
Using these words in your conversation can make the conversation meaningful. Students are taught this with the help of different examples.
- Telling stories and asking students questions based on stories:-
In this activity, children are shown the story in a dramatic way. The story is also shown through projectors and e-learning. And students are asked questions. Students try to answer questions based upon their level of understanding the story and their interpretations.
Self-help (ADL) Skills:
- Wiping the nose with a handkerchief:-
Flashcards and handkerchiefs are used for this activity. Students are taught this activity in stages. Also, students are explained why to clean the nose. Information is given about what will happen if the nose is not cleaned.
- To dress:-
Students are taught this activity in stages. This informs them how to identify the opposite side of the garment. The activity also teaches them what clothes to wear when. Training is given on how to put and remove hooks, buttons, knots.
Social skills
- Good touch and bad touch:-
This is taught to the students by showing the video on e-learning or projector. Information is given on how to identify good touch and bad touch.
- Maintain distance while speaking:-
While teaching these skills, students are given information on how to speak, how to maintain adequate distance, how to stand, how to hold hands. Boys and girls are also told how much distance to keep when speaking.