PEIC (Palavi Early Intervention Centre)

Physio Therapy
Since each child's diagnosis is different, the therapy given to them is also different. This requires equipment such as Thera Band, Therapy Ball, Thera Putty, Balancing Board, Mirror, Swing, Weight cuff, Walker, Wrist Grip, foam, Roller Mat, Pegboard, Smile Balls, Mats of different texture, Trampoline foam Bench, Chair, Table etc. Therapists come to the center twice a month for this. And the rest of the day the teacher performs these therapies as per the guidance of the therapists. At that time the parents of the children were also with them. And help with therapy.
Occupational Therapy
This therapy is given to overcome the problems that children have in this skill. For example, folding paper, crawling with crayons, holding glasses, filling in sand bottles, picking up beads with tweezers, catching and throwing balls, dropping Rangoli with tweezers, cutting paper with scissors, slicing paper, and so on.
Occupational Therapist also visits the institute twice a month for Occupational therapy. And the rest of the day the teachers at the center take therapy as per the guidance of the therapists. In this day and age of lockdown, online therapy is carried out by video call. We can also use household items to get this therapy.
Self-help skills
- Wearing your own clothes:-
Students are taught this activity step-by-step while teaching. First the inverted side of the garment shows with them so that they recognize which is the correct side. Then, if you want to wear a T-shirt, first wear it over your head. It is then taught to put their hands inside the loop and then pull the T-shirt down. If it is a shirt, then they are taught to put the hands inside the loops on both sides and then button the shirt. Then, while wearing the pant, look at the opposite side of the pant and put one foot in the pants first, then put the other foot in the pant and then pull on the pant with both hands. When it's done, then press the Pant button and then finally the chain. It is taught with such minutia kept in mind.
- Drinking water with your own hands:-
Flash cards are first shown to children while teaching these skills. Teachers show how to drink water with their own hands. He then teaches the students' step by step how to drink water step by step.
E.g. Holding the glass of water tightly by hand. He picks up the glass by hand. Carry the glass near the mouth. And drinking without spilling water.
- Eating with your own hands:-
While teaching this skill, children are taught to wash their hands before eating and then sit down to eat. After that, if there is Chapati / bread with the meal, then how and how big to take the piece is taught. After that, they are taught how to take vegetables with the piece and how to put the grass in the mouth. If there is a rice - dal in the meal, then how to eat it is taught. It is also taught not to let anything fall around the plate while eating.
Recreational Activity
This activity is for the entertainment of children. Through this activity children are taught dance, drama, music. First priority is given to what children are interested in and is then taught to them at a child's art.
Cognitive skills
- Color recognition:-
While teaching color recognition, first show the children the color flash card of the color we are teaching. Then show the different objects in your house of the color that we are teaching the child so that it will be easier for the child to learn the color.
Motor skill
- Ball catching and throwing:-
While teaching this skill, first the children are taught how to hold the ball tightly in their hands. He is then taught how to throw the ball to the person in front of him. First the teacher does it for the children and then the children do it.
- Cutting paper with scissors:-
When teaching this activity, children first have to be taught how to hold the scissors in their hands. The teacher then shows the children how to cut the paper with scissors. The teacher then gives the children a physical prompt, a verbal prompt and asks them to do the activity.
Social skills
- Greetings:-
Children are taught how to greet their teachers and visitors. They are taught how to stand to greet, how to join hands and how to say hello with the mouth.