Nursery class I and II

Intellectual skills
1. Writing skills
Write and pronounce own name:-
Various materials like Flash cards, notebooks, pencils, erasers are used to teach this. Initially students are trained by holding hands. They need literal, physical help. Students are encouraged using praiseful words like Very Good, Nice etc. while doing the skills.
2. Reading skills
- Reading and interpreting different pictures:-
In this, various pictures like fruits, flowers, animals, birds are read. Flashcards, books are used for this. Children need verbal cues for pronouncing and physical help.
- Alphabet reading:-
Flash cards are used to teach this skill. E.g. (Flashcards of ?, ?, ?, ? etc.) Students are taught through action. Reading skills are also taught through e-learning.
- Writing 1 to 5 digits:-
The students are taught writing and counting the basic numbers from 1-5 as a start and further ones are taught depending upon their level and grasping power.
- Introduction to colors:-
Teachers show and familiarize the special kids with colours using visual cues and associating those colours to everyday items. This helps students better understand the various basic colours.
Motor skills
1. Gross motor skills
- Throwing ball:-
For this activity the children are first shown the action by the teacher then these materials are used. This skill is practiced by the children to participate in the competition.
- Performing various Exercises:-
In this activity children are taught various exercises in the form of demo. It is then further taken by the children. Children sometimes need verbal and physical help.
2. Fine motor skills
- Putting Beads in thread:-
These skills are used to enhance children's eye hand coordination, attention span as well as seating capacity.
- Opening the lid of the water bottle:-
In this the teacher acts first. Then he tells the children to do open the lid of a bottle for their hand grip control.
Communication skills
- Teaching to Greet :-
In this, children are taught to say “Namaste” by taking action and practicing it continuously. For this, some children need verbal and physical cues.
- Storytelling / singing:-
In this skill, the story is recited to the children in a dramatic manner. Also, stories and songs are shown through projectors and e-learning.
Self-help (ADL) Skills
1. Brushing teeth, Cutting Nails, Combing their Hair:-
Materials like brush, water, paste, handkerchief are used for this skill. Also, flashcard is used. In this skill children are taught in demo format. The children are then asked to take action. Children need verbal and physical help. Children are taught this skill for preparing them for daily day to day activities of keeping themselves clean and taking care of their cleanliness.
2. Remove and Buttoning the shirt:-
Flashcards and shirts are used in this. In this, the first teacher takes action. The action is then taken by the children. Children are taught this skill for preparing them for daily day to day activities like dressing themselves up.
Games / Sports
To further develop the athletic and motor skills along with interpersonal bonds various sports activities are carried out. These include running, soft ball throwing, throwing the ball into the bucket, walking in a straight line, catching and throwing the ball, kicking the ball, musical chairs. The kids enjoy it a lot.