Eka Peksha Ek —Sachin Pilgaonakar

The show was judged by one of the talented stars of both Bollywood and Marathi Film Industry Mr. Sachin Pilgaonkar Sir. They offered our special kids this wonderful opportunity even when at that time this show was the most popular dance show on Marathi television. Our students fearless as always set their feet on stage with the same dedication and enthusiasm they always have to perform on the hit Marathi song "Morya Morya". On the completion of the performance, Sachin Sir was so happy and emotional with our kids that he not only shows that liked this dance the most but also he came on stage to praise these special kids students and encouraged them for their spirit and success. It became more unbelievable when they presented the "Natraja" murti only given to the "Best Performance" of the episode. The students not only received.